By Hydrosimulatics  

Sometimes it is necessary to create a model that is not tied to any particular real-world location. Instead, we may need to create a model that represents an idealized or purely hypothetical situations. These "synthetic" models are very useful for understanding groundwater processes and testing proposed methods in groundwater modeling, because all aspects of model construction and parameterization are known (which is never the case when modeling real-world sites.). MAGNET provides an interactive 'synthetic case area' for developing synthetic models. 

(Note: Many of the short-problems and Featured Active Learning projects require developing a MAGNET model in synthetic mode.)



AStudy the step by step short video tutorial under MAGNET Quick Tutorials: Synthetic Model

B - Develop a MAGNET model that reproduces the simulation as depicted in the tutorial.

C - Study the step by step  instructions in the exercise under the Data-enabled Modeling Platform problem category: Setting Up a Synthetic Model of Specific Dimensions

D - Develop a MAGNET model that reproduces the simulation as depicted in the exercise